Edinburgh Boiler Service

What does a boiler service include?
Arrange a Boiler Service in Edinburgh by a Gas Safe Registered Engineer.
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Read on to find out:
- Reasons why a boiler should be serviced annually.
- The cost of a boiler service in Edinburgh.
- What a boiler service actually is. And what it is not.
- How long it takes.
- Plus other useful hints and tips
Why service a gas boiler?
Safety is the primary reason for having a boiler serviced because a service ensures no, potentially dangerous, gases are escaping while the boiler is working.
Secondly, a service ensures that a boiler is burning efficiently. A boiler that is burning efficiently will consume less gas meaning lower gas bills.
A third, very good, reason to service a boiler is to ensure that manufacturers warranties remain valid. Many manufacturers make annual services a condition of warranties.
Searching for and repairing faults is not what a Boiler Service does. If a boiler is not working it needs to be repaired, not serviced (See Boiler Repairs for more). The process of servicing a boiler could indicate to a gas engineer that there is a fault, but fault finding is not the objective of a boiler service. Further investigation (and ultimately a repair) might be recommended if an engineer suspects a fault. Additional charges, separate to the cost of the service, are likely to apply in this instance.
Sometimes there is a misconception that a boiler service involves dismantling a boiler, cleaning component parts and then reassembling the whole thing. That is not the case.
What, then, is included in a boiler service?
According to the British Gas website a Boiler Service includes:
- Checking gas pressure.
- Testing the flue (including for Carbon Monoxide leaks).
- General inspection including the controls.
- Check for any wear or leaks.
Because the above isn’t very detailed here’s what we hope is a more comprehensive explanation.
Precisely what is done as part of a boiler service will vary depending on the age of the boiler and the manufacturer’s specification.
Of primary importance is analysis of how the boiler is burning gas and the emissions produced. This is because it enables the engineer to assess if there are issues that require further investigation.
The ratio of Carbon Monoxide and Carbon Dioxide in the flue gases are tested and analysed. Also assessed are the temperature, oxygen levels and gas to air ratio.
If readings are out with manufacturer’s acceptable tolerances then adjustments to to parts of the boiler may be required.
Note that engineers may charge you for this work over and above the cost of the charge for a boiler service.
But there’s more…
In addition the following will – for the most part – be included in a boiler service:
- Overall visual inspection of boiler and it’s workings.
- Visual inspection of all accessible parts of the flue, checking for signs of leaks, corrosion or obstructions.
- Ensure that ventilation meets standards.
- Assess flow of water into boiler.
- Check flow of gas into boiler.
- Ensure safety shut off valve is working.
- Visual check of electrics; loose wires, earth bonding etc. Referred to electrician if anything appears incorrect.
- Measure / check the working pressure of the boiler.
- Check that the pressure of the gas is the same at the meter and boiler.
- Ensure isolation for gas and electricity is available (within 1m).
- Review rate at which boiler is burning gas and adjust gas valve accordingly.
- Inspect ignition & combustion chamber.
- Check fan for clear airways.
- Inspect control box / timer.
- Clean out waste water syphon.
- On standard efficiency boilers the burners would be cleaned, this is not the case on high efficiency boilers unless the flue emission readings are outwith accepted limits.
What does a Boiler Service cost in Edinburgh?
HomeForce Gas Engineers usually charge £75 for a boiler service in Edinburgh.
The lowest price our Market Rate Monitor found for a Boiler Service in Edinburgh is £72. It wasn’t clear if VAT was additional. The highest price we found was £120 + VAT. One company said they charge £55 PLUS a call out charge, however, there was no mention of what the call out charge was.(Click Here to read more about call out charges)
In summary, the majority of gas engineers we found charge around the same as HomeForce Gas Engineers. Prices outside the city may be a little lower.
How long does it take?
A boiler service can be done in 30 minutes but will usually take just over an hour including completing a Service Report.
The time can vary depending on the accessibility of the boiler or any adverse readings the Engineer may come across. Other factors such as the make and model of boiler can also affect the duration of a service.
How often should a boiler be serviced?
It’s not a legal requirement to do so – even in a rental property (although a Gas Safety Check is). However annual servicing is recommended by pretty much all boiler manufacturers.
We’d recommend getting your boiler serviced in late summer. If you leave it until the first cold days of Autumn you may find it harder to find a gas engineer as they are out repairing boilers that have broken down after being off all summer.
Does a service guarantee trouble free operation?
Sadly not. Any given component in any boiler could break down just before a boiler service or just after. If a boiler breaks down shortly after it has been serviced it’s just an unfortunate coincidence. It is not (in 99 out of 100 cases) due to something the Gas Engineer has done – or not done.
It is true to say that due to part of a boiler service being to ensuring it is running efficiently this puts less strain on the boiler. Because of this it can be argued that a regularly serviced boiler is less likely to break down.
Manufacturers recommend that boilers are serviced annually. Note that if this is not done it can invalidate many manufacturers warranties. They also suggest that a regularly serviced boiler will remain operational for longer than an un-serviced one.
So, while servicing a boiler, unfortunately, does not guarantee 12 months trouble free operation, it should mean less fuel is burned (as it will be running more efficiently ) and a longer life for the boiler. For these reasons we’d suggest it’s probably worth the cost of an annual boiler service.
Book an Edinburgh Boiler Service now:
- Complete our Tradesperson Booking Form
- Tel: – 0131 315 0000
- Email: – info@homeforce.co.uk