How does HomeForce compare?
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There are many places you could go for job leads the table below will help you see how HomeForce compares:

Charge for job leads. Even when you don't get the job.Charge only when job is completed & invoiced
Sell one job lead to five competing tradespeople Offer a job lead to just one tradesperson at a time.
Enable customers to “Fish” for quotes when they don't really plan to do the work.
  • Only pass on qualified job leads
  • Help you convert as many enquiries to actual jobs
  • Teach you how to do quotes faster.
Allow unfair customer reviews.Allow tradespeople to rate customers. And customers to rate tradespeople.
Leave tradespeople to pursue bad debt. Mediate, free of charge, if a dispute arises.
Let customers define jobs. Use knowledgeable call handlers to find useful job details
Only accept website enquiries.Take or make phone calls to get full job details
Encourage a “fastest finger” approach for the best jobs. Allows reservation of jobs in seconds without breaking into your day.
Focus on generating quotes for customers. Focus on maximising revenue for tradespeople.
Screen & verify tradespeopleScreen & verify tradespeople AND customers.
Provide little administrative support
  • Free job management training.
  • Provide administrative assistance.
Encourage competition between tradespeopleIntroduce like minded tradespeople to work together.
National organisationsLocal working only in the Edinburgh area.

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