Cherry Picker Hire Edinburgh

A cheaper and faster alternative to scaffolding. Book Now:

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    Hire a 12.5m cherry picker access platform and operator in Edinburgh from just £200 for a half day (3hrs).

    HomeForce provide thoroughly vetted, continuously appraised cherry picker hire (and operator) with a proven reliability record.

    Access roofs, trees, gutters and even street lights with HomeForce’s Edinburgh cherry picker hire service. A cheaper and faster alternative to scaffolding.

    For an additional charge (quoted in advance) the operator can carry out works such as gutter clearing, small roof repairs,painting orhandyman type jobs. Alternatively they can assist a specialist sourced through HomeForce or separately.

    Contact HomeForce for a free, no obligation quotation at a guaranteed fair price. You won’t find better value in Edinburgh.

    Price information

    £200 for a half day
    £300 for a full day
    Price includes platform and operator
    Half Day = 3 hrs, Full Day = 4 – 8 hrs

    Minimum charge £200 
    Free, no obligation, estimates and quotations

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